Monday, December 2, 2019

Philippine Country free essay sample

A Reaction Paper on: Nurse Migration from a Source Country Perspective: Philippine Country Case Study Nurse shortages in developed countries have accelerated international nurse recruitment and migration, sparking debate about the consequences for sending and receiving countries and for the meeting of global health needs. The exchange of nurses between developed countries has been commonplace for years; likewise, the Philippines, with its government-approved program of producing nurses for export, are not a new subject of debate (Linda H. Aiken).The nurse migration, their reasons why do they migrate was very well addressed already by the criticizer and how they affect the health care. In that sequence, I therefore believe that what would be the issue today is on the health care system and that’s what I would like to address on the discussion. Health care system as defined is a design to meet the health care needs of target populations. We will write a custom essay sample on Philippine Country or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With emerging numbers of nursing and doctors migrating around the country the â€Å"brain drain† can be seen in a wide variety across different health institution declining the quality of care being provided.Now, the first thing I would like to address is that, is there a need to mandate the health care policy as what is being debated right now and how will it contribute or affect the health system particularly to the nurses and the patients. I believe that there is a need to change the health system currently being implemented in our country but unfortunately the Philippine government is callous and insensitive to the plight of the Filipino people including health workers professionals.Instead of resolving the health and economic problems of the Filipino people and the concerns of health workers that causes the Filipino nurses to migrate, the government is implementing policies detrimental to people’s welfare. The government is implementing budget cuts for social ser vices, wage freeze, streamlining of bureaucracy, freeze hiring and contractualization in accordance with cost-cutting measures dictated by international lending bodies particularly the International Monetary Fund-World Bank in exchange for fresh loans.These same policies that subject health workers to unjust working conditions, starvation wages and non-payment of benefits, curtailment of rights and denial of job security that push them to go abroad. The government is earning much from remittances and exactions from Filipino migrant workers. The Philippines ranks 4th worldwide in terms of remittances earned with US $17B remittances in 2007 . The huge amount of remittances poured into the country by overseas and migrant workers constitute the bulk of dollar reserves, used not for social services, but as guarantee for foreign loans, payment for foreign debt and to cover for trade deficit.For as long as the Philippines remain as semi-colonial semi-feudal society, our country will be a steady source of cheap labour to exploit. The Arroyo government is more concerned in staying in power and raking up money from the blood and sweat of the Filipino people, both here and abroad. It prioritizes debt servicing and military expenditures in the national budget. The neo-liberal policies exacerbate the economic crisis and poverty among the Filipino people. If not for the remittances of the OFWs, the Philippine economy had collapsed long ago. The second issue that I would address based on the article is whether the RA 8042 or the Overseas Filipino Act takes into action, which is primarily to protect and promote the welfare of our overseas workers. International migration also poses potential negative consequences for the individual migrating nurse. Due to the lack of regulatory oversight of agencies and practices of global nurse migration contracting, nurses who have migrated are at increased risk for employment under false pretences and may be misled as to the conditions of work, possible remuneration and benefits (Huston, 2006).Thus, they are placed at risk for unethical, if not illegal employment practices in their host country. This is a study coming from the Philippine Journal of Nursing that says that, although overseas employment for Filipino nurses offers opportunities for better incomes, professional growth, cultural advancement and other expectations, our nurses are not always without tribulations arising from l iving or working overseas. Many of them experience discrimination, violations of contract on salary, substantial living accommodations and unfortunately sexual harassment.The third is whether the government shift its policy in â€Å"managing† the flow of overseas workers due in reaction to the â€Å"promotion† of labor migration. My opinion would be that the government doesn’t have the right to control the choice of nurses to work in other countries. Although it is the right of the government to protect its population from health concerns due to the migration of more skilled and experienced nurses. However the constitution would not scope the protection of its population to the right of choice and interest of its workers to work abroad.To further strengthen my stand I would like to include the statement of the famous Adam Smith, that â€Å"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. I would rather say that the government should focus to develop the nursing education by applying strict regulations of nursing schools to ensure quality nursing education and thus quality care as well will be provided, also to increase the budget on health sector to employ adequate nurses.And last would be is on the propos al being considered by the Department of health HRH Masterplan for 2005-2030 I believe that it would have a great contribution on the nursing service here in our country especially its agenda on research since all of us know the great contribution of nursing research. Also their task to review the trends of nurses migration for people to know the when to engage in nursing profession and avoid oversupply of nurses that contributes to the underemployment and unemployment rate. Most importantly, is on the utilization and distribution of nurses to ensure the need of county in term of health personnel. Lastly is on the development of nursing service as nurses would come back in our country they will be able to share their experiences and learning to our nurses. However I further believe that health care development of nursing service in our country would come to our government by increasing the fund in the health sector. Simply because what is the purpose of nurse experienced abroad if the facilities cannot be afford by the health institution.

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